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Help Us For Tree Plantation Program

Help Us For Tree Plantation Program

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The best time to plant trees was yesterday, the following best time is now!

Trees have an enormous part to play within the fight against climate change…

We are running awareness campaign through social media platforms about temperature change and heating with our Page "Voice of India Foundation & Voice of Planet"

But seeing recent pictures of forests within the Amazon, California & Australia afire stirred something within us.

First it had been anger, followed by frustration & finally disappointment.

But then it struck...

Trees are the solution. Trees suck greenhouse gas out of the air & if we plant enough trees our theory is, it'll have an enormous impact within the fight against temperature change.

After doing more research. the speculation is protected by scientists during this Guardian article …

They say. Planting billions of trees across the planet is out and away the most important & cheapest thanks to tackle the climate crisis. As trees grow, they absorb and store the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global heating.

New research by these scientists estimate a worldwide tree planting program could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that are pumped into the atmosphere by human activities.

A figure the scientists describe as “mind-blowing”.

we need billions of trees to reverse the results of temperature change.

So. That’s what we are visiting do. Plant some trees…

We’re not visiting couple alone. we'd like your help too.

In it’s simplest term…

For every single $ we receive we are going to plant 1 tree for you

And all our team are obsessed on the environment & want to try and do something to fight global climate change.

But we'd like your help...

To plant Trillion trees you wish lots of land.

We've revealed thought, you cannot plant trees in an open field because the animals has full access & will simply eat them.

Which means the land must be fenced off or be protected and want more Manpower, if the trees are visiting have a bearing on temperature change.

So we've come up with Idea of Planting Fruit Trees within the farm land where farmers will get get pleasure from trees too.

And we discussed with the local farmers about this project and that they have an interest but to induce get pleasure from trees it'll take a minimum of 3 years of care and protection. So we've offer them free Sampling and three Years of Support to grow trees and that they are very proud of this we've now started this from India. we'll make this globally and for this we want global support.

we have planted 3000 trees till now and wish more support to plant more

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You agree to share information entered on this page with voifindia (owner of this page) and Cosmofeed, adhering to applicable laws.
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Help Us For Tree Plantation Program

Help Us For Tree Plantation Program

**Tax Benefits**

The best time to plant trees was yesterday, the following best time is now!

Trees have an enormous part to play within the fight against climate change…

We are running awareness campaign through social media platforms about temperature change and heating with our Page "Voice of India Foundation & Voice of Planet"

But seeing recent pictures of forests within the Amazon, California & Australia afire stirred something within us.

First it had been anger, followed by frustration & finally disappointment.

But then it struck...

Trees are the solution. Trees suck greenhouse gas out of the air & if we plant enough trees our theory is, it'll have an enormous impact within the fight against temperature change.

After doing more research. the speculation is protected by scientists during this Guardian article …

They say. Planting billions of trees across the planet is out and away the most important & cheapest thanks to tackle the climate crisis. As trees grow, they absorb and store the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global heating.

New research by these scientists estimate a worldwide tree planting program could remove two-thirds of all the emissions that are pumped into the atmosphere by human activities.

A figure the scientists describe as “mind-blowing”.

we need billions of trees to reverse the results of temperature change.

So. That’s what we are visiting do. Plant some trees…

We’re not visiting couple alone. we'd like your help too.

In it’s simplest term…

For every single $ we receive we are going to plant 1 tree for you

And all our team are obsessed on the environment & want to try and do something to fight global climate change.

But we'd like your help...

To plant Trillion trees you wish lots of land.

We've revealed thought, you cannot plant trees in an open field because the animals has full access & will simply eat them.

Which means the land must be fenced off or be protected and want more Manpower, if the trees are visiting have a bearing on temperature change.

So we've come up with Idea of Planting Fruit Trees within the farm land where farmers will get get pleasure from trees too.

And we discussed with the local farmers about this project and that they have an interest but to induce get pleasure from trees it'll take a minimum of 3 years of care and protection. So we've offer them free Sampling and three Years of Support to grow trees and that they are very proud of this we've now started this from India. we'll make this globally and for this we want global support.

we have planted 3000 trees till now and wish more support to plant more

Refund policy
This product does not have a refund policy
Fulfilment policy
Orders will be fulfilled within 2 hours
Terms and conditions
You agree to share information entered on this page with voifindia (owner of this page) and Cosmofeed, adhering to applicable laws.
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Cosmofeed Technologies Pvt. Ltd. shall not be held liable for any content or materials published, sold, or distributed by content creators on our associated apps or websites. Learn more.