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QD World

SwiftUI Elements for iOS Development

SwiftUI Elements for iOS Development

SwiftUI Elements for iOS App Development

  • Header Video • Header Tile • Sliding Menu • Carousel Slides • Navigation Bar
  • Image Card View • Text Card View • Video Card View
  • Grid View • List View • Detail View • Navigation View• Pop-Up Sheets
  • Video Player • Audio Player • Map View • Forms • Launch Screen
  • Footer View • Call to Actions • Buttons • Gradients • Gallery and much more 
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Cosmofeed Technologies Pvt. Ltd. shall not be held liable for any content or materials published, sold, or distributed by content creators on our associated apps or websites. Learn more.
QD World

SwiftUI Elements for iOS Development

SwiftUI Elements for iOS Development

SwiftUI Elements for iOS App Development

  • Header Video • Header Tile • Sliding Menu • Carousel Slides • Navigation Bar
  • Image Card View • Text Card View • Video Card View
  • Grid View • List View • Detail View • Navigation View• Pop-Up Sheets
  • Video Player • Audio Player • Map View • Forms • Launch Screen
  • Footer View • Call to Actions • Buttons • Gradients • Gallery and much more 
Refund policy
Kindly be aware that refunds are not available for this open-source code and digital product once purchased. For technical inquiries, please contact us at
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You agree to share information entered on this page with QD World (owner of this page) and Cosmofeed, adhering to applicable laws.
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Cosmofeed Technologies Pvt. Ltd. shall not be held liable for any content or materials published, sold, or distributed by content creators on our associated apps or websites. Learn more.